I’ve been running everyday for 100 days

This is the first time in my life I’ve been consistent with a habit/routine for a 100 straight days. I can go on and on about my insights these last 100 days. I think the most salient point is an experience I had on run 90. I ran 3 miles that day. I haven’t run that far in a minute. On mile 2, my legs were already tired and my breathing jagged (remember, I am a slow, beginner’ish runner). I felt like stopping, but I kept going. Between mile 2.5 and 3, my energy shifted. I moved from jagged, labored breathing, tired legs to strong legs, breathing in flow, and a whiff of runner’s high. The transition was wild. I was so stoked after that run. It was such a good reminder, that the struggle is never permanent. Flow will always follow. Stay on course. Prepare to be surprised. This sums up the last 100 days.