I can finally articulate my personal style

I heard on a podcast that you aren’t born with style. You find it when you are curious and allow yourself to be creative. I’ve leaned heavily on the curiosity aspect. In the last 18 months, I’ve delved into reading about style, capsule closets, fashion, and luxury items. These inputs have helped me articulate my style into two words: simple and elevated.

Simple meaning wardrobe items that are simple with no fussy details, classic, staples, sustainable materials and streamlined. Neutrals are the foundation of a simple wardrobe for me. I also like a monochromatic look especially when I am wearing more colorful clothing.

In terms of elevated, this means taking a simple look up a notch with bold jewelry, shoes, or a luxury purse or item. Essentially, combining a comfortable look with sophistication without giving up comfort or simplicity.

I’ve fashioned my wardrobe to these two adjectives. Before I make a purchase, I reflect on whether the item meets the simple or elevated mark. If it doesn’t, I know I will tire of it soon.

I am noticing that when I follow my preference for simple and elevated pieces, I enjoy my wardrobe way more. I wear my clothes often and everywhere. There’s no longer a huge delineation between my “work clothes” and “going out clothes.” There’s now a seamless relationship between the two.

I find the journey of identifying and curating one’s personal style so interesting right now. It’s a worthy endeavor. Being aligned and clear about your style is affirming of your character, your values, mindset, and suggests that you understand yourself and your overarching life goals.

At a more tactical level, understanding your personal style and identifying two or three words that encapsulates your style helps you narrow where to shop, limits impulse buys and overwhelm from trends. You might even shop less.

Lastly, you will stop saying, “I have nothing to wear” while staring at a overflowing closet. You will always have something to wear when your closet is aligned with your style.

P.S. I was blown away when I listened to this 7 part podcast series on the history of “preppy” fashion. Let me tell you, the team that put this series together should win an award on the deep dive on this topic, the thoughtfulness of bringing in diverse voices, the threads they pulled together to tell this history is unmatched. The first two episodes may not hook you in, stay with it…episode 3 - 7 will hook you in. Tell me what you think if you listen to it.