Art dopamine at DC’s Rubell Art Museum

I’ve been pulling myself out of the winter doldrums to see art. Yesterday I explored one of the newest museums in DC, Rubell Art Museum. Its focus is contemporary art. A majority of the pieces are thought-provoking, brilliant and made me pause and linger. A few pieces were a bit disturbing. I quickly moved along from one piece in particular all the while reminding myself that art is supposed to be provocative after all.

Below are a few pieces that stood out for me. Unfortunately, I did not do the time consuming work of linking the info of each artist to the image below. If you are curious, the museum’s website has a full listing of the artists. You might recognize the work of Ghanaian artist Amoaka Boafo below.

I didn’t take a picture of Senegalese artist, Alexandre Diop’s work. He’s the featured artist at Rubell and his four pieces on exhibit there must be seen in person. It’s impossible for photography to capture all of the tactile elements in his work.