Habits that I picked up in 2022 that improved my quality of life

Choosing a limited selection of interchangeable clothing each season

Each season, I decided on a color palette and mood. I selected clothing, shoes, and accessories. With glee, I packed up everything in my closet that did not make the cut. Placed those clothing items in storage containers. I can’t tell you how wonderful it felt each season to look at a minimalist closet with clothing pieces that complemented each other. Interestingly enough, I was drawn to mostly neutrals and touches of color throughout the year. This habit has had a profound impact on my morning routine. I found ease and contentment choosing the fit of the day, nulled my over-consumption of trends, intensified my commitment to sustainable and quality pieces.

Abstaining from Instagram a total of 7 months out of 12 months

I don’t get caught up in Twitter - I see it as a news feed/newspaper/thought leadership. I don’t follow friends there. I don’t have Tik Tok - it’s the devil of mind sucking algorithm. No thanks. But the way Instagram draws me in, I need black out days, weeks and months. My current black out period is August 2022 through January 1, 2023. This year, I’ve consistently taken black out days. These black out periods from IG restores my circadian rhythm, allows me to hear myself think, and of course increases my time reading books, movement, connecting with others, and reaching for creative activities.

Being active everyday for at least 30 minutes

Movement is life. My daily movement practice is at the same consistency of taking a shower daily. I see the two activities as non-negotiable. I don’t whine or talk myself out of working out. I just wake up everyday and decide how I am going to move. It’s on the same wavelength as brushing my teeth, paying taxes, helping my kid with his school work, breathing…it just gets done. Movement practices this year has been powered by Tracy Anderson Method online classes, Peloton bike/strength/outdoor walks, biking outside, hot yoga classes, home yoga practices, walking the dog, walking with a good podcast, running, swim classes, pilates, stretching, and Crossfit.

Intentional travel and organizing my annual trips in buckets

2022 was my ideal travel year. It was absolutely perfect. I organized my travel in buckets that honored my core value: connection. Here are the buckets:

  • Bestie travel experience: April 2022/Santa Fe, Mexico with the bestie/sister/cousin.

  • Extended family experience: June 2022/ NC beach trip & November camping weekend

  • Solo travel experience: June 2022/NYC & August 2022/Italy (Florence, Rome, Venice)

  • Friends group trip: July 2022/Tulum, Mexico

  • Husband & me trip: October 2022/Vermont

  • Husband and kids family trip: December 2022/Italy

Finally getting my sleep habits right

I wish I could shout from the roof top that “sleep is life giving!” 2022 was the year that I finally focused on 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I don’t play with my sleep anymore. I take a night time supplement cocktail of B6, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Probiotic. I retire to my room at 8:30 pm like an old black and white Hollywood diva film. I scroll a bit. I read several chapters in a book. I stretch. Lights out by 10:30 pm. I don’t play. Lights out.