I am going to art school

Recently, my inner voice has been urging me to explore a formal art education program. After some thorough research, I landed on the Washington Studio School in Washington DC. I was even more convinced after taking a tour of the school and meeting with the Artistic Director this week.

The school offers exactly what I’m looking for: a small, nurturing environment that welcomes both late adult learners and younger students, a teaching style that emphasizes contemporary and expressive art, and a strong foundation in drawing and painting techniques. The school provides a foundational art certificate and a Master’s program. I decided to apply for the foundational certificate program to refine my technical skills.

While I enjoy my local weekly Sunday art class, my current teacher—a self-taught artist who is incredibly lovely and talented—does not offer drawing lessons. His focus is on realism, whereas I am drawn to expressionism and contemporary art.

I am both excited and a bit apprehensive about this new path. On one hand, I am thrilled at the prospect of gaining formal knowledge; on the other, I worry about feeling overwhelmed and possibly losing my passion due to frustration or imposter syndrome. However, I’ve learned at 47 that you take action first and the confidence follows, not the other way around.

Ultimately, this journey is about allowing myself to grow in new and unexpected ways. I stumbled upon my visual art talent in late middle age and I am not wasting any time discovering the depths of my artistic potential. One thing about me—I am brimming with the audacity and courage to try, whether I win or fail.