My formula for consuming social media

My formula: 2 months off and 1 month on + a well curated follow list = healthy social media consumption.

What do I mean by this equation?

I like to go on a social media hiatus for two straight months and log back on for just one month at a time. When I go on a hiatus, I zero out social media minutes on my iPhone screen time feature and hand my phone to my husband to change the screen time password code. I have no idea what the passcode is. This essentially blocks my access and frees me from the clutches of the socials. Kudos for those who can avoid socials without some kind of intervention. I am not one of those people. I am either in or out. No in-between.

I started this practice late 2020 and it’s been a healthy addition, just as important as eating my veggies. I am able to enjoy the positives of social media for 30 days and go offline for 60 days to replenish. When I am on hiatus, I read more, go to bed earlier, day dream, call friends more, go on long walks in the evenings, read in waiting rooms, procrastinate less, create art, try new hobbies and just allow myself to get bored in the in-between spaces of life.

Additionally, ruthlessly curating my social media following list is helpful. This allows me to consume a more healthful/aligned daily media diet. I no longer follow news orgs, fast fashion influencers, fitness folks, social activists and contrarians. I am no longer a consumer of quick takes and hyperventilating social/political positions and captions. I’d rather spend time reading long form articles, books or podcasts on important social/political/health topics. I don’t want the abbreviated social media version that gets my blood boiling then a few seconds later I am seeing a sales ad or an influencer’s pitch. It’s just too chaotic and jarring for my nervous system. My feed is now calming and light. I am training the algorithm to follow suit😏

In the upcoming months and years, I hope to explore an even more compressed hiatus schedule. Perhaps 2 weeks on and 2.5 months off and dwindle down from there until I am completely off the socials.