I've been running everyday for 77 days

And it’s been a meditation on the grace that comes with setting out to run or practice something for 1000 days. The target of 1000 days is so far off in the future that you are forced to simply focus on each day, each run, each moment. There’s no impending deadline or rush to become faster or better. The road to the end of this commitment feels so spacious. I’ve found ample grace with myself knowing that I have close to 3 years to sharpen my running skills. So each morning, I lace up my shoes, check the weather, meet the weather, meet the morning with only one thought, today’s run getting accomplished. I give no thoughts to the other days ahead. Just today. Enjoying the run. Feeling out my energy. Feeling out the energy of the weather, the universe. Being with the day’s thoughts. Being present.