La Dolce Vita (The Sweet Life): A Family Winter Trip in Italy

After a calm, family centered Christmas holiday season, we left behind winter in the States for a balmy winter in Italy. As a family, we explored Florence, Venice, and Rome in 9 days. On day 7, my family noted that my itinerary was a bit aggressive and they would’ve happily stayed in Florence all 9 days. I silently agreed. Florence creeps into your heart slowly and carves a forever home.

We created lovely core memories on this trip: The family gondola ride on a cloudy Venice day. Bringing in 2023 with champagne on the rooftop of our hotel in the city center of Florence. We watched fireworks overtake the city from all sides. The Duomo and Santa Maria Novella Cathedral lit with fireworks at midnight will forever stay with me. I won’t forgot the shared family eye rolls while listening to our over-zealous Uffizi Gallery tour guide. Taking in the vastness of the coliseum in Rome or eating divine Italian cuisine, oohing ahhing with every bit and washing it down with wine. Walking the narrow streets and alongside the Arne River at dusk. All cherished family memories. I am looking forward to hearing which memories from this trip stays with the kids over the course of their lives.

My silent hope for them on this trip is to witness how expansive and wide the world is and to see themselves capable of living an expansive life.

There are no walls. The sweet life is yours.