The "it" factor

I’ve been noodling on the “it” factor recently. Over the course of my HR career interviewing and sitting on promotion committees for hundreds of people, I know for a fact there’s an “it” factor that propels some people to the summit and keeps others in basecamp. Anecdotally, I think a mix of attributes contribute to the “it” factor. These attributes are excellence, high emotional intelligence, horizon scanners, grit, quiet diligence, creativity, and executive presence. When you work with someone with high levels of two or more of these attributes, you will sense the “it” factor. You might also notice fawning, respect, admiration, sponsorship and endorsement follow these individuals into many rooms. Their careers seem to have a fast track compared to most. I think having two or more of these attributes create the “it” factor. Here’s my thinking on the various attributes:


I have worked with and coached people with relentless drive for excellence. These folks do not accept mediocrity. They are always looking to level up a report, product, presentation, strategy etc. They comb through reports/products for errors. They spot shoddy work quickly and fix it. They are always over-prepared for meetings, they read key documents in advance, they research meeting attendees and peruse the client’s website, they actually read the fine print and show up with important questions that elevates the discussion. Their work is immaculate. Their bosses usually call them their right hand person. This is the person chosen to be in charge when the boss is away because there is trust that their nose for excellence will keep the ship afloat. Those with excellence attributes are considered high potentials in orgs. Leaders will fight to keep these people, accelerate their careers because most people know that this trait is rare.

High Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand and regulate your own emotions as well as tune into the emotions of others and influence others around you. High EQ’ers are like a weather vane. They can quickly tap into the pulse of an organization, a situation and provide direction. They can essentially catch fireflies in a jar because they are willing to slow down, listen, be present and vulnerable. They build strong relationships and partnership because of their strong social skills and and great communication skills. They also prioritize empathy which makes them ideal leaders and colleagues.

Horizon Scanners

Horizon scanners can somehow climb to the summit faster than most. Once there, they make spot on predictions and forecasts. They are rainmakers because they can spot the next big thing and position their teams for success. They are unafraid to share what they see on the horizon despite others being slow to see it or naysay. Their reading list is varied and wide. They actively keep up with current market trends, they network internally and externally, their contact list is diverse and as long as a CVS receipt. They leave no stone unturned to understand a landscape/situation. They are dot connectors and excellent room readers. They are also really good at synthesizing complex information and making a concise strategy with limited information. In most conversations with them, you can see their mind/thoughts moving two to three steps ahead of the group.


Those with heighten levels of grit turn far fetch ideas into reality. They are full of determination and have resiliency. At first glance, you may think success comes easy to them. In fact, the opposite is true for them. They’ve failed a lot but they dug deep and continued to persevere. Despite hardships, those with grit don’t let mistakes get in the way of the bigger picture. They throw mistakes out the window quickly rather than spending time ruminating and entertaining the inner critic. They seek small and consistent progress. They have a strong sense of focus. Their ability to keep going wins them admirers on their way to the top. They earn respect even while they are stumbling.

Quiet diligence

I am always so impressed by the quiet ones. Those with quiet diligence who do not chase recognition or accolades. They approach work stealthily, building brick by brick. Their intelligence is woven intricately into their work. It can be breathtaking to see the depth and breadth of their final product. You find yourself mystified that they were able to get so much done under the radar. This quiet diligence and intelligence engenders reverence and unwavering trust in their abilities. Their patience, tenacity and competency makes them ridiculously effective on many teams.


The creative individual is really apt at coming up with new ways of doing things. They are producers. They produce new ideas, perspectives, language, behaviors that are original. They are able to find new ways to accomplishing a task or a problem. You will find that they are quiet observers of the world around them. They pay close attention to how others are experiencing products and services. They are always looking for ways to improve upon a function or provide more clarity for others. They also bring the pizzaz, fairy dust that a team needs to shine.

Executive Presence

Those with strong executive presence have admirable composure, staying calm and poised under pressure. A level of self confidence that makes them courageous and inspire confidence/courage in others. Healthy dose of charisma that attracts people to them and helps them influence decisions, work cultures, and workflow. They are also good communicators which makes them convincing and their ideas gain traction with the majority. They have a high level of self worth and they are also able to make others feel good about themselves. Regardless of their level in an org, a person with solid executive presence can show up in various rooms and make an impact.

Clearly, who you know, luck, being at the right place at the right time, appearance, education, upbringing and background also play a role in the “it” factor; however, these seven attributes give people range and makes others stop to take note.

Which combo have you noticed in the people in your inner circle? Grit + EQ or Creativity + Quiet Diligence + Executive Presence?