My 2024 new year resolutions/intentions

New Year resolutions/intentions have fallen out of favor for most people in the last few years. While I understand why it has lost its luster, I am still a fan. My constitution likes concepts such as challenges, repetition, guiding principles, North Stars, visioning, honoring core values, and embodying the life you want all of which New Year resolutions can offer many returns. I do want to clarify that I am a fan of New Year resolutions that are grounded in one’s values and purpose not resolutions based on self-loathing and forced checkboxes.

I believe that resolutions and intentions should be viewed as a multi-year endeavor that deepens and expands over years. For instance, I resolved to be more physically active in January 2020. While I made strides with my health and wellness by the end of 2020, I found that my resolve and approach to my wellness practices continued to deepen and evolve in 2021, 2022 and 2023. Each subsequent year, brought insights and wins that were unearthed only because I remained steadfast across multiple years and multiple iterations.

For 2024, my New Year resolution/intention is low spend/sustainable spending. I am in my “reduce era”. Since 2021, I’ve been pivoting my purchases to more sustainable brands and being more thoughtful about my purchases. I’ve primed myself for this intention for years now. I am now ready to challenge myself more formally. I’ve committed to refrain from buying new things that are not vital in 2024. My purchases will be focused on vintage finds when an item is needed but even then I will consider it thoughtfully before making a purchase. I am excited about this endeavor. It’s only a few weeks in and I am already feeling its benefits.