306 Days of Daily Movement

I’ve moved every day for 306 days.

There’s something about fall that begs us to reconsider our pace and schedules. I’ve been craving a slower pace. Pilates, yoga, and walking has been my movement practice of choice lately. While it feels right to choose low impact movements, I can’t help but wonder if my time is better spent pounding the pavement with a run or my bike. This persistent thought pattern that I must be a sweaty mess when I move is a huge shadow work for me.

My travels outside the US has made it abundantly clear that this country tips the scale in favor of high impact, balls to the wall kind of movement practices. However, there’s an alternative option found in other countries such as walking everywhere, slowing down to enjoy nature, yoga, stretching and eating Whole Foods.

So, I am inviting myself to commit to the alternative. I am prioritizing low impact movements for the remainder of the 2023 calendar year. Slow it down! I hope to reframe my thinking around the value of low impact vs high impact.