Personal style and confidence: Part one of six

A majority of us spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear before walking out of the door to an important meeting, presentation, interview, event, pitch etc. We instinctively know that what we wear will build self confidence and perhaps send a message to our audience about who we are, our values, and what we stand for.

The road to self-confidence can be filled with fits and starts. Self-confidence is one of those traits you can’t outsource to other people to help you with it or leave it to chance. Confidence is something you must curate within yourself daily. There are many things you can curate to build self-confidence. A low hanging way is clarifying your personal style.

It creates an opportunity for you to organize your wardrobe in a way that is aligned to who you are and how you want others to experience you. It has a profound impact on honoring your authentic self on a daily basis. When you open your closet each day, you reinforce who you are and your purpose. Imagine the daily booster shot of confidence that can bring to your inner and outer game.

Let’s journey together on this topic. I’ll be doing a blog series on finding your personal style. Be warned, I’ll be sourcing quite a bit from the style book the Creative Pragmatist by stylist Amy Smilovic. My dear one got me this groundbreaking, easy to understand style book as a birthday gift. It is a timely gift as it has solidified my thinking around personal style and confidence. Stay tuned for more on this topic. While personal style might seem like a vain topic, stay with me on this, you’ll find that it has a powerful effect on your confidence and how you lead.